
All the info you need about Year 1…

We have two Year 1 classes; 1D and 1B.

1D’s class teacher is Celia Dubner, supported by Sandra Kasenzi / Ilona Guvenler / Dinisha Shibnauth

1B’s class teacher is Sharon Bayliss, supported by Abigail Bach.

Classroom Location
1B: On the first floor, first classroom on the right after walking through the Hall.
1D: On the first floor, located just off the Middle Hall, to the left as you look with your back to the playground.

Parent-Teacher Times

Celia and Sharon hold regular times when they will be available to see or speak to you. Please email the office and let them know when you’d like to catch up, or drop in.

1D – (3:45pm – 4.15pm) on Wednesdays 

1B – (3.45pm – 4.15pm) on Wednesdays

If meeting or speaking at these times is not convenient for you, then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

We have two Parents’ Evenings a year, one in Autumn and one in Spring Term. Please read the Weekly Update to find out when these are, and the school will also be in touch so you can book your slots in good time.


Spring 1 timetable – 1D

Spring 1 Weekly Plan 1B


Autumn – Who are we? (1st half) Toys (2nd half)

Spring – Homes and Castles

Summer – Around the World with Barnaby Bear/Market Day

P.E/Dance (Days)

We try to do exercise every day – if not P.E or Dance, then the Daily Mile. Please make sure your child comes to school in suitable footwear and clothing to run in each day as children will not be changing for PE/Daily Mile sessions.

P.E day & Dance day: please refer to the class letter you receive at the beginning of term

School visits – Classes usually organise trips linked to their topics. Please read the Weekly Update

Class assemblies or special events – Each class usually does 3 class or year group events a year which parents are encouraged to attend.  This term the assembly dates are:

1B – Wednesday 6th December

1D – Wednesday 13th December


In Year 1, we set a book on Oxford Owl that reinforces phonics that the children have been learning that week; please aim to re-read this book four times a week. Re-reading ensures that children develop their reading skills and fluency.

To help children build vocabulary and comprehension skills, we also send home 2 books in their PACT bags. One book is closely matched to their reading level and the other is a book they have picked from the book corner to be shared with an adult at home

Water bottles and packed lunches:

Children should continue to bring in a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name. Those children who are bringing a packed lunch should bring this in a small container, ideally a lunch box, as these will be stored within the classroom. Please also ensure your child is able to open the box and any food packages and containers, particularly flasks. We are a healthy eating school, so lunches should be nutritious and balanced, with no junk food items. Nuts and foods containing nuts are strictly prohibited.

PACT Bags/Show and tell

We will continue to send a reading bag home with a PACT book. We will let you know which day is your child’s reading day. Every week we will share a book with your child. They will bring the book home that we have shared and also another book of their choice (for shared reading). There is also an opportunity for you to write any comments in the PACT book. Please make sure that your child brings in their PACT bag on their reading day every week.

Every Friday we will be setting the children an e-book that reflects the phonics that we have been learning that week. In order to access this, you will need to use a login that will be attached to your reading record book inside the PACT bag. Please aim to re-read this book four times a week. Re-reading ensures that children develop their reading skills and fluency. We will be talking more about this in our Year 1 welcome meeting.

Show and Tell will take place every Friday and we will be sending a timetable out shortly. We encourage children to bring in something from home to talk about in front of the class. Please make sure that they do not bring in anything too precious or that could potentially hurt another child.

Maths and English Curriculum Objectives
Click on THIS LINK to learn more about the Maths and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) Objectives that are taught from Year 1 to Year 6.
Here is a link to a handy TIMES TABLES GRID and advice.

Maths fluency & recall facts – Year1keyrecallfacts

Spelling and Handwriting
You can find a list of spellings and handwriting guidance appropriate to your child’s year-group by clicking HERE.

Year 1 Curriculum Map
CLICK HERE for more information about our curriculum.

Statutory Assessments

Usually, children in Year 1 undergo the Phonics Screening Check in the Summer Term. Children are asked to read 20 real words and 20 ‘pseudo-words’. The children are well prepared through normal English lessons and they are rarely, if ever, aware that the check is taking place.

How You can Help

If you have any knowledge, skill, or artefacts related to what we are learning in school, then please do get in touch with your child’s teacher. We love having our Parents and Carers come in and help us all to learn!

PPA Cover  – All teachers are required by law to have Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time during the week. This is usually covered by the same person every week to ensure consistency for the children. The PPA cover for this year group will be led by both Andrea Littlewood and Jinelle Bobb.

Medicines – If your child requires an inhaler, EpiPen, or any other regular medication, please could you ensure the school has two of each medication from day one, as we will require one for the classroom and one for the school medical room.

You can find this term’s letter to parents and carers and Topic Plan in the ‘Related Documents’ box to the left of the screen or by clicking below:-

Year 1 – Autumn Parent Letter 2023

Year 1 – Knowledge Organiser – Who Are We 2023 version 2

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