
Find out more about our Reception classes here…

We have two Reception classes; ‘Reception G’ and ‘Reception R’.

Reception Staff
Reception G: Julia Gale (Class Teacher), Selita Sulejmani (Support Staff)
Reception R: Lynn Rothwell (Class Teacher), Cara Trusler (Support staff)

Additional support staff Paula Arriagada.

Classroom Locations
You can find Reception G inside the main building, on the ground floor, just in front of you at the end of the short corridor as enter from the left hand side of playground. Reception R can be found in the just off the Bottom hall, to the right-hand-side if you are viewing it from the playground. Both classes share an outdoor space where the children can learn and play together.

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Parent-Teacher Times
Julia & Lynn hold regular times when they will be available to see you without an appointment. If you would like see them then just drop in.

Reception G – Monday from 3:30pm to 4:00pm
Reception R – Monday from  3:30pm t0 4.00pm

If meeting at these times is not convenient for you then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Water bottles and fruit.

All children must bring in a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name. These will be used by the children throughout the day, so please try and ensure that they are able to open these independently. These will be sent home each afternoon for cleaning and refilling for the following day. Please encourage your child to take responsibility for remembering their water bottle every day.

We have fruit time every day so your child does not need to bring in any snacks.


Please make sure your children wear sensible shoes every day as we often do outdoor/indoor games at different times throughout the week, for example, crocs and wellies are very difficult to run in.  Please try and label your child’s clothes especially coats and jumpers.

PACT Bags/Show and tell

When we begin reading with your child, we will send a reading bag home with a PACT book. We will let you know which day is your child’s reading day. Every week we will share a book with your child and let you know how your child is progressing with their reading that week. There is also an opportunity for you to write any comments in the PACT book. They will bring the book home that we have shared and also another picture book of their choice. Please make sure that your child brings in their PACT bag on their reading day every week.

Every Friday we will be setting the children an e-book that reflects the phonics that we have been learning that week. In order to access this, you will need to use a login that will be attached to your reading record book inside the PACT bag.

Show and Tell will take place daily and your child’s show and tell day will be the same as their reading day. We encourage children to bring in something from home to talk about in front of the class. Please make sure that they do not bring in anything too precious or that could potentially hurt another child

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

PE Sessions

Please make sure your children wear sensible shoes every day as we often do outdoor/indoor games at different times throughout the week.


Rec R Friday (no special kit required) first half term
Rec G Friday (no special kit required) second half term


Please see link for useful powerpoint and videos

Phase 2 pronunciation video

Phase 3 pronunciation video

Phonics and Early reading meeting

ELS & Early Reading Workshop for Parents

Further to the phone meeting on the 1st October – see below link for powerpoint

Power point from Phonics and Early reading meeting

Parent Opportunities – How you can Help

We welcome parents and carers to come in and work with the children at any time (gardening, cooking, reading or playing). Please let your child’s class teacher know when you wish to come in. We will also put up a Story time list when the children are settled.

PPA cover – All teachers are required by law to have Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time during the week. This is usually covered by the same person every week to ensure consistency for the children.  The PPA cover for Reception will be Margaret O’Neill & Philomena Thompson.

Medicines –  If your child needs to keep medication at school (e.g. epipens, inhalers) then please make sure that you bring in 2 – 1 for the classroom and 1 for the medical room. Please make sure that you bring this medicine in on the first day and that you keep a record of the expiry date.

You can find this term’s letter to parents and carers and Topic Plan in the ‘Related Documents’ box to the left of the screen or click on the link below

Reception Letter to Parents 2024

Reception Knowledge Organiser

Reception Autumn Term Project Web 2024