
Find information about Year 6 here…

We have two Year 6 classes; 6D and 6M.

Year 6 Staff
6D: Michael Delaney (Class teacher)
6M: Anna Mallaburn (Class Teacher),

Support staff: Lauren Power & Mary-Anne Willets

PPA cover: 6D – Will be done Will Hann and 6M will be done by Andrea Littlewood.

Classroom Location
6D: On the Second floor, turn right at the very top of the stairs ( on the right-hand-side as you approach from the playground) and head towards the farthest-most corner of the building.
6M: On the Second floor, turn right at the very top of the stairs ( on the right-hand-side as you approach from the playground).

Welcome meeting: Monday 16th September 8.40am in 6M

Parent-Teacher Times

Both Teachers hold regular times when they will be available to see or speak to you. Please email the office and let them know when you’d like to catch up, or drop in.

6D Monday 3.45 – 4.15 p.m.

6M Monday 3.45 – 4.15 p.m.

If meeting or speaking at these times is not convenient for you, then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

We have two Parents’ Evenings a year, one in Autumn and one in Spring Term. Please read the Weekly Update to find out when these are, and the school will also be in touch so you can book your slots in good time.


Autumn: WW2 in Islington

Spring: The Ancient Maya & South America

Summer: Pitches and Performance

Weekly Update:

At the end of every week, Yerbury sends a Weekly Update to all parents who have signed up for it (see the bottom of the website to sign up). This includes a lot of information both on a school level and for individual class information. We strongly encourage all parents to sign up to it so you are kept up-to-date.

P.E/Dance (Days)

PE lessons for Year 6 will be on either Mondays or Fridays. In order to encourage the children to be as active as possible on their return to school, the daily mile will be part of our weekly routine. Therefore, please could children come to school everyday in clothing and footwear that will allow them to be active.

Dance with Daisy will take place on a Friday. For each class this will only apply for 1 half term per term. 6M will have dance for the first half term, starting next week. 6D will have dance for the second half term

School Journey to PGL and other visits

 We are really looking forward to our school journey. This will take place the week beginning 4th November. More information will be given to you in the next few weeks

Our Family Biography Exhibition will take place on Wednesday the 4th December at 15pm in the top hall. In place of an assembly, this will be an exhibition and presentation based on the children’s family biographies. This term, the children will be working hard to produce a biography of a family member and this exhibition will give them the opportunity to present their projects and field questions from other children and adults, as well as showcasing the work they have been doing in music and dance.

Water bottles/ Lunchboxes 

All children must bring in a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name. These will be used by the children throughout the day, so please try and ensure that they are able to open these independently. These will be sent home each afternoon for cleaning and refilling for the following day. Please encourage your child to take responsibility for remembering their water bottle every day.

Those children who are bringing a packed lunch should bring this in a small container, ideally a lunch box, as these will be stored within the classroom. Please also ensure your child is able to open the box and any food packages and containers, particularly flasks, independently. We are a healthy eating school, so lunches should be nutritious and balanced, with no junk food items and no fizzy or sugary drinks. Nuts and foods containing nuts are strictly prohibited.


In Year 6, we start to prepare the children for secondary school by giving them two pieces of homework a week.

Spelling homework will be given out on Tuesday. We will send home a list of spellings for the children to learn which will then be tested in a dictation on Friday. In addition, the children will also be assigned a number of games on Spelling Shed which they should complete by Friday. We will be able to monitor the children’s progress on these games through our teacher accounts.

An additional homework, based on an aspect of the children’s learning during the week, will be set on Friday to be completed by Tuesday. We will be using the website ‘SATs Boot Camp’ to set this homework on the children’s logins. We have been using this for several years and have found it to be very effective in helping the children retain what we have covered during the week. Each week they will be assigned 1 or 2 revision activities and will then complete an online quiz. We will monitor how the children have done each week through our teacher accounts. Alternatively, we may also choose to set work or projects on the Year 6 Google Classroom page.

If your child will have difficulties accessing work online please let us know and we will find alternative provision.

Spelling and Handwriting
You can find a list of spellings and handwriting guidance appropriate to your child’s year-group by clicking Spelling & Handwriting.

Maths and English Curriculum Objectives
Click on THIS LINK to learn more about the Maths and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) Objectives that are taught from Year 1 to Year 6.
Here is a link to a handy TIMES TABLES GRID and advice.

Maths fluency & recall facts – Year6keyrecallfacts

Year 6 Curriculum Map
CLICK HERE for more information about our curriculum

Statutory assessments

The Y6 SATs are usually taken in May. The school will be in touch with all Y6 parents nearer the time to invite them to attend an information session on the SATs and how you can help your children prepare and feel at ease about them.

How you can help
If you have any knowledge, skill, or artefacts related to what we are learning in school, then please do get in touch with your child’s teacher. We love having our Parents and Carers come in and help us all to learn!

Medicines and hygiene 

If your child requires an inhaler, EpiPen, or any other regular medication, please could you ensure the school has two of each medication from day one, as we will require one for the classroom and one for the school medical room.

We realise that in Year 5/6, there may be some children who need to bring sanitary products into school with them. These can be kept in a small bag which can fit in their tray. Please let the teacher know so we can support your child appropriately.

Home Alone

In Y5 and 6, children are allowed to walk home alone at the end of the school day if the parents give permission. To give permission please log into your Arbor account and select from the drop down menu to give parental consent.  If you gave permission in year 5 you do not need to give permission again, this will be carried over.

NOTE: This only applies at the end of the school day, not during school hours. If a child needs to go home during the school day for whatever reason, an adult needs to be them up.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not allowed in school, however if parents would like their children to have a mobile phone for after school (e.g. to walk home alone, or go to the park), then the children came drop their mobile phones off in the office at the beginning of the day, and pick them up at home time.

You can find this term’s letter to parents and carers and Topic Plan in the ‘Related Documents’ box to the left of the screen or by clicking the below links

Y6 World War II KS2 Knowledge Organiser

Y6 Autumn parent letter 2024

Year 6 Topic web Autumn 2024