
Children at Yerbury have access to wide range of sporting activities both during and after school. We work hard to ensure that children are as active as possible.

Physical Education

We have had a strong focus on PE over the past few years, with a particular focus on maximising Actlive Learning Time for children so that as much of their lesson as possible is spent actively participating rather than listening to over-long instruction or queuing for a turn. We enjoyed success with this project and were mentioned as a study of good practice in an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on a Fit and Healthy Childhood report. We employ a part-time dance teacher who teaches each class every week on a half-termly on/off basis. These sessions are sequenced to ensure progression over time and they eventually culminate in the grand Year 6 theatrical performance (videos of which you can find on the front page of the website).

For PE lessons, taught by class teachers, we follow the GetSet4PE scheme of Work, which we have found to be excellent in both helping children to systematically learn essential knowledge and skills whilst also challenging children of all attainment levels.

As well as Dance and PE sessions, each class does the Daily Mile at least three times a week in order to ensure that children are working towards the best cardiavascular level of health possible.

Our Year 3 children follow an intensive two-week swimming course where they swim for an hour each day. Children are assessed at the end of this course and those who have not met the expected level are offered follow-sessions in Year 6.

Children at Yerbury also take part in a range of extra-curricular clubs and competitions and enjoy a great deal of success in these.

Yerbury PE Curriculum Overview

Yerbury PE Knowledge and Skills Progression Map

P.E. Kit
We ask that children, on the day when they are timetabled to have their PE lessons, come to school in clothing that is suitable for physical exercise. This should include: trainers and comfortable clothing for outdoor games such as t-shirt, loose fitting jogging bottoms, shorts, leggings etc.

Swimming Kit
Children in Years 3 are required to bring a swimming cap to all swimming lessons. Boys should wear trunks but not ‘board shorts’. Girls are asked to wear one-piece swimming costumes. Children are allowed to wear goggles with parental permission. Please fill in the appropriate form in the school office.

PE in the Early Years Foundation Stage

These are the Early Learning goals taken from the statutory guidance of the EYFS profile – we have these in mind all year and hope that the children will ‘achieve’ them by the end of Reception. We plan accordingly to offer them opportunities to develop skills and reach these goals:

Physical Development ELG:

Gross Motor Skills Children at the expected level of development will:

– Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others;

– Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing;

– Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.


We use guidance from Development Matters which supports the children with  the following skills:

  • Revising and refining the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: • rolling • crawling • walking • jumping • running • hopping • skipping • climbing
  •  Progress towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control and grace.
  •  Develop the overall body strength, co-ordination, balance and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.
  • Combine different movements with ease and fluency.
  • Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outside, alone and in a group. Develop overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination and agility.
  • Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming. Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball.


Opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge above are offered daily in our outside area as well as the larger, back playground. We provide opportunities for children to run, use bikes, a range of balls (to practise kicking, catching, striking and  throwing skills), balancing equipment, climbing – on climbing frames, skipping with ropes as well as adult supported throwing, catching and target games. The children receive Dance lessons with Jess (alternating each half term) that teach them the basics of movement, stretching, fitness and simple choreography including linking movements.

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