
Committees meet once a term and report back to the Full Governing Body.

Curriculum and Learning Committee

Overall Roles of the Committee

  • To assist the Governing Body to ensure the overall aim and focus of the school is to provide the highest quality of provision, both human and physical, to support the development of students in school.
  • To assist the Governing Body in fulfilling its school curriculum responsibilities and its responsibilities in relation to the implementation of any nationally agreed curriculum and other associated courses.

Chair: Rebecca Roden

Finance and General Purposes Committee

Overall Roles of the Committee

  •   To assist the Governing Body in fulfilling its statutory responsibilities for all staff employed in school and to generate the best possible professional environment, within which all staff can contribute to the raising of pupil performance and attainment.
  •   To assist the Governing Body in directing the management of the school budget in support of the School Improvement Plan and ensuring sound financial management practices.
  •   To assist the Governing Body: to fulfil its responsibilities in providing the best possible physical environment within which students learn, and to ensure all the Governing Body’s statutory responsibilities for the health and safety of all students and adults on site are met.

Chair: Sarah Ferguson

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