
Every pupil in the school has their progress reviewed regularly and this information will be shared with both parents and pupils.

Yerbury follows the Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach to SEN support. You can read more about this here:

Every pupil in the school has their progress reviewed regularly and this information will be shared with both parents and pupils. We provide an annual report to parents on their child’s progress, normally at the end of the school year.

Where a pupil is receiving SEN support, we provide feedback to parents more regularly. We sometimes use home school books to give daily feedback on how a child has been at school that day. We also contact parents by phone or email where we have specific feedback or need to discuss specific achievements, concerns or observations. Teachers also have a review meeting with the SENCO at least three times each year to discuss the SEN needs of pupils in their class. These updates are fed back to parents at parents’ evening.

Some pupils with SEN may have more frequent reviews if they are required. For children with EHCPs, formal reviews are usually led by a teacher with good knowledge and understanding of the pupil’s needs and attainment (usually the class teacher), supported where necessary by the SENCO. Reviews normally last between 30 minutes and 1 hour, although this can vary if there has been good progress, the child’s needs have changed or the review involves a range of different professionals. We always aim to allow sufficient time to plan effectively.

Reviews involve the pupil, the family and other professionals where this is appropriate. They are used to:

  • discuss what is working well and not working well
  • find out if the SEN provision has been delivered as planned
  • review the pupil’s progress towards their goals and longer-term outcomes
  • discuss and agree clear outcomes for the future
  • discuss and agree the support needed
  • share advice and information on the things that parents can do at home to reinforce or contribute to their child’s progress
  • identify the actions needed to meet the agreed outcomes, the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil, the school, the local authority and other partners.

A record of the outcomes, action and support agreed through the discussion is then shared with all the appropriate school staff and the pupil’s parents.

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