
We make all reasonable adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment to support pupils with SEN.

We are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with SEND. We make all reasonable adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment to make sure that pupils with SEND are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers.

Teachers will be supported by the SENCO to assess, plan and differentiate the curriculum or make adaptations to meet the needs of pupils with SEN. The primary way that we support children with a range of needs, including those who may be struggling with learning, is through high-quality, responsive and adaptive teaching. This may also involve working with outside partners, and includes:

  • Small group work during the school day – including, but not limited to:
    • Pre teaching
    • Spelling support
    • Phonics and reading fluency support
    • Numeracy skills and number fluency
    • Speech and language interventions including Lego therapy
    • Social skills groups
    • Emotional wellbeing support
    • Preparation for Secondary school
  • Weekly support sessions outside the classroom with the specialist dyslexia teacher
  • 1-2-1 support with a TA/LSA
  • Reading support from Beanstalk volunteers
  • External visits from music therapists and drama therapists

Equipment that is available in our school to all children at any time needed includes:

  • Specific maths and literacy computer programmes including Numbershark, Wordshark, and Math Base
  • Devices for additional recording eg cameras, video recorders, voice recorders
  • SEN software – communication in print to produce printed matter with visual prompts
  • Microphone system available to enhance hearing
  • Communication books (for home and school)
  • Sensory equipment
  • Soundloops in two classrooms

The school will consider purchasing other equipment if there is an agreed identified need. We will normally consider this at the pupil’s termly or annual review. In the past we have worked with partners to purchase specialist equipment tailored for an individual including:

  • Personal laptops, ipads, chromebooks
  • Move and sit cushion
  • Specialist hand writing equipment
  • Ancillary aids and assistive technology, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

For those with physical disabilities, we discuss with families what we can do to adapt provision as necessary and possible, including through additional resources. Yerbury has a flat site at pavement level with three playgrounds that are all at the same level and step free. The school buildings consist of a main three-storey block with a separate one-storey nursery block. Whilst nursery and reception classrooms are on the ground floor all other year groups are on the middle and top floors. There are two separate flights of stairs to all floors but no lifts. There is a disabled toilet on the ground floor. The school office is on the ground floor. There is a disabled parking bay within 20 metres of the school gate.

More detailed information about the types of support we offer is available in our list of Teaching adjustments and strategies

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