
We want our children to leave Yerbury School with a lifelong love of learning. We work hard to promote curiosity, resilience, independence whilst ensuring that children enjoy their time here.

The School Day

You can gain an impression of what a 'typical' day at Yerbury might look like on this page.

Early Years Foundation Stage

“Every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances.”


We know that happy and interested children learn best. This means that we work very hard to ensure that all our children are safe, feel secure and that we understand their individual needs as fully as possible.


Assessment is not only about tests - our teachers keep track of each child and strive to ensure that they are challenged by the work they are asked to undertake.

Dyslexia Friendly School Mark

Yerbury is one of a small number of UK schools with the Dyslexia Friendly Schools Mark...

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