
We are very keen to constantly improve every aspect of Yerbury School. The views of our parents are, of course, a vitally important part of our improvement efforts.

Through our daily contact with parents we are continually informed of ideas and opinions about school that we can use in all sorts of ways. We also collect opinions through the fortnightly coffee mornings run by members of staff, through governor surgeries, through tailored surveys of a number of different groups of parents (e.g. parents of children with special educational needs).

In addition to these methods we survey all our parents every year and are pleased to receive a very high percentage of responses. Through analysing both the answers to specific questions and the general comments made by our parents we get a good idea about the general feelings amongst our parents. The survey also provides us with many useful comments and ideas that help us in our efforts to endlessly improve.

If you wish to see the results of our latest parent survey, please contact the office for a copy.


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