
You can gain an impression of what a ‘typical’ day at Yerbury might look like on this page.

The following describes a typical school day at Yerbury School for children in Year 1 to Year 6. For information on provision for children in Nursery and Reception Classes then please follow this link.

Children Arrive

The school gates open at 8:50am each morning. This is when children and their families come into the playground, play together and wait for the bell to ring to start the beginning of the school day.

Beginning of the School Day

Miss Moss, our premises manager or sometimes another member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), will ring the bell at 8.58am. Children then say goodbye to their parents or carers and sensibly make their own way to their classroom to arrive on time to start the school day at 9.00am.


Children enter their classrooms for registration. Registers close at 9:10am with anybody entering the classroom after 9:10am being marked as ‘late’. During registration, the children usually carry out short, focussed activities like phonics work, times tables revision, and sentence construction exercises.


The children attend assembly most days at 9:25am. Assemblies take a number of different forms. On a Monday, Miss Moss leads a ‘Good as Gold’ assembly where a child from each class is publicly praised and awarded a certificate for all their hard work and efforts (each child takes a turn to be in the Good as Gold book over the course of the academic year). Each Key stage has a singing assembly each week led by our fantastic music teacher, Ben Glasstone. Other members of the SLT lead assemblies that usually teach the children about interesting topics and events (e.g. Wellbeing, Chinese New Year, E-Safety, Religious Festivals etc). The aim of our assemblies are to provide experiences which deepen the inner senses and engender feelings of self worth and the uniqueness of the individual. We aim to help children find a purpose and meaning to life, awe and wonder, reverence and respect and a sense of belonging to the community.

Lesson 1

The first formal lesson of the day begins at 9:40am and is usually either English or Maths. The lesson lasts for an hour.


Playtime takes place between 10:45 and 11:00am. The children make their way to the playground where they are supervised by staff. Children play a number of games, climb on one of our climbing frames, or play football in our back playground. At the end of play, children are asked to make their way sensibly and safely back to class. If the weather is wet, playtime takes place in the classroom where children can enjoy play with their ‘wet-play’ resources under supervision.

Lesson 2

The second formal lesson of the day begins straight after play at 11:00am. Again, this is usually maths or English. This lesson usually lasts an hour before one last, shorter session before lunch. In this shorter session, children may take part in guided reading, handwriting, spelling, language or dance activities.

Lunch Time

Lunch begins just before midday for our Nursery children. Reception classes go for their lunch at 12:15pm and the rest of the school begin lunch at 12:30pm. All of our children are eligible to have a hot school meal at no cost to parents or carers. A small percentage oft children continue to bring a packed lunch in from home to eat with their classmates in our dining hall. You can find our latest school menus on this page. Children are called for their lunch as class groups. before and after they have had their meal, they play in the playground; supported by playground mentors and midday meals staff. At the end of lunch, the children line up in the playground and are collected by their teacher and taken back to class.

 Afternoon Lessons

The afternoon usually begins with reading activities including reading sessions and comprehension work. The rest of the afternoon is taken up with one or two of our foundation or topic subjects such as history, MFL, geography, P.E., computing, D+T, Science, R.E., art etc.

End of school day

Nursery are dismissed from their playground at 3.25pm.  Part-time children are collected at 12.00pm from the school office.

Reception children are dismissed from their playground at 3.30pm

Year 1 to Year 6 are dismissed from the front and side playgrounds at 3.30pm

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