
Find useful information, letters, and curriculum objectives for year 3 on this page.

We have two Year 3 classes; 3A and 3D.

Year 3 Staff
3D: Celia Dubner (Class Teacher)
3A: Rina Akahane (Class teacher)

Support staff: Katherine Court, Raz Begum & Sara Birch

Classroom Location
3D: On the first floor, on the far left of the building as you approach from the playground, opposite the Q-Room.
3A: On the first floor, on the far left of the building as you approach from the playground, next to the Q-Room.

Parent-Teacher Times
Celia and Rina hold regular times when they will be available to see you without an appointment. If you would like see them then just drop in.

3A: Monday 3.45 to 4.15pm
3D:  Wednesday 3.45 to 4.15pm

If meeting at these times is not convenient for you then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Welcome meeting

Please see slides from welcome meeting

Y3 parents welcome meeting 2024

Autumn: Stone Age to Roman Britain
Spring: British Isles
Summer: Ancient Egypt

Weekly Update – At the end of every week, Yerbury sends a Weekly Update to all parents who have signed up for it (see the bottom of the website to sign up). This includes a lot of information both on a school level and for individual class information. We strongly encourage all parents to sign up to it so you are kept up-to-date

P.E/Dance (Days)

PE and Dance: 3A will have PE lessons on Tuesdays and 3D will have theirs on Wednesdays. 3D
will have Dance on Fridays for this half term. (Dance lessons will swap each half term)

Please make sure your child comes to school wearing clothing suitable for sports on PE/Dance
days. We will also be doing extra running sessions (Daily Mile) on other days of the week so please
make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear for this every day.

Swimming (year 3 only) 

Swimming: We have booked 2 weeks of intensive (1 hour) swimming lessons for all Year 3 children this term. The lessons will take place at Archway Pool on the following dates:
For 3A children: Monday 30th September – Friday 11th October
For 3D children: Monday 14th October – Friday 25th October
The children will be back in time for school lunch, therefore they will not need a packed lunch.
The pool requests that all children wear swim hats, boys wear tight fitting swim shorts (as opposed to baggy-style shorts that weigh them down) and girls are to wear one-piece swimsuits. Goggles are optional.

School visits – Classes usually organise 3 trips a year linked to their topics.  Look out for an email confirming in advance when these will be.

Autumn term: Hampstead Heath Education Centre – date TBC

Class assemblies or Special Event/Day –

3A: Wednesday 16th October 3D: Wednesday 27th November

Each class usually does 3 class or year group events a year which parents are encouraged to attend. Please keep a look out in the Weekly Update for dates.


Ben will continue to teach Music this year. In addition, both classes will have recorder lessons. The recorders will be provided.

Water bottles/Lunchboxes

All children must bring in a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name. These will be used by the children throughout the day, so please try and ensure that they are able to open these independently. These will be sent home each afternoon for cleaning and refilling for the following day. Please encourage your child to take responsibility for remembering their water bottle every day.

Those children who are bringing a packed lunch should bring this in a small container, ideally a lunch box, as these will be stored within the classroom. Please also ensure your child is able to open the box and any food packages and containers, particularly flasks, independently. We are a healthy eating school, so lunches should be nutritious and balanced, with no junk food items and no fizzy or sugary drinks. Nuts and foods containing nuts are strictly prohibited.


The children will continue to have homework once a week which will focus on spellings and times tables. We will send home a spelling activity from Spelling Shed, focusing on the Year 3/4-word list. We won’t require the spelling activity to be returned to school but we do expect the children to practise the spellings online using the Spelling Shed website. We will also let you know your child’s login information for the Times Tables Rockstars website. We would really like to encourage the use of Times Tables Rockstars at home as well as in school. The programme adapts to each child in order to develop their speed and knowledge. 10 to 20 minutes 5 times per week would see great progress with this essential element of maths. Homework shouldn’t be a source of grief or stress! If you are having problems with this, then please do contact us.

There is a video on the maths section of our website which has more information about getting the most out of TTR and how it can be adapted to suit your child.

PACT (Parents and Children Together) bags:

Please send your child in with their PACT bag/book
(if you can find them!) and any school books this week if possible. We will continue with PACT for
children whom it would best benefit.

Spelling and Handwriting
You can find a list of spellings and handwriting guidance appropriate to your child’s year-group by clicking Spelling & Handwriting.

Maths and English Curriculum Objectives
Click on THIS LINK to learn more about the Maths and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) Objectives that are taught from Year 1 to Year 6.
Here is a link to a handy TIMES TABLES GRID and advice.

Maths Fluency & recall facts – Year3keyrecallfacts

Year 3 Curriculum Map
Curriculum Map for more information about our curriculum.

How you can help
If you have any knowledge, skill, or artefacts related to what we are learning in school, then please do get in touch with your child’s teacher. We love having our Parents and Carers come in and help us all to learn!

PPA cover – All teachers are required by law to have Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time during the week. This is covered by the same person every week to ensure consistency for the children. The PPA cover for 3A will be done by: Tony McMahon and for 3D PPA will be done by: Andrea Littlewood

Medicines – If your child requires an inhaler, EpiPen, or any other regular medication, please could you ensure the school has two of each medication from day one, as we will require one for the classroom and one for the school medical room.

You can find this term’s letter to parents and carers and Topic Plan in the ‘Related Documents’ box to the left of the screen or click on link below:

Y3 Autumn Project Web 2024-5

Y3 KO Stone Age to Iron Age

Y3 Parents letter Autumn 2024-5