
Find out more about what’s going on in Year 2 here…

We have two Year 2 classes; 2P and 2A.

Year 2 Staff
2P: Marcus Phillips (Class Teacher), Josh Hicks (Support staff) 
2A: Piers Aitman (Class teacher), Rosie Coupland (Support staff)

Classroom Location
2P: On the first floor, just off the Middle Hall, on the right-hand-side as you look from the playground.
2A: On the first floor, to the right as you come up the stairs that are on the right of the building as you approach with the playground behind you.

Parent-Teacher Times
Marcus and Piers  hold regular times when they will be available to see you without an appointment. If you would like see them then just drop in.

2P: Monday 3:45pm – 4:15pm
2A: Monday 3:45pm – 4:15pm

If meeting at these times is not convenient for you then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Welcome meeting

Wednesday 18th September 8.40pm

Autumn: London

Spring: Rainforest

Summer: Puppets

P.E/Dance (Days)

We try to do exercise every day – if not P.E or Dance, then the Daily Mile. Please make sure your child comes to school in suitable footwear and clothing to run in each day as children will not be changing for PE/Daily Mile sessions.

Each class will have dance lessons on Fridays every other half term.

School Visits – Classes usually organise trips linked to their topics. Please read the Weekly Update

Class assemblies or Special Events – Each class usually does 3 class or year group events a year which parents are encouraged to attend. This terms assemblies are:

2P – Thursday 17th October

2A – Wednesday 20th November

Water bottles/Lunchboxes –

All children must bring in a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name. These will be used by the children throughout the day, so please try and ensure that they are able to open these independently. These will be sent home each afternoon for cleaning and refilling for the following day. Please encourage your child to take responsibility for remembering their water bottle every day.

Those children who are bringing a packed lunch should bring this in a small container, ideally a lunch box, as these will be stored within the classroom. Please also ensure your child is able to open the box and any food packages and containers, particularly flasks, independently. We are a healthy eating school, so lunches should be nutritious and balanced, with no junk food items and no fizzy or sugary drinks. Nuts and foods containing nuts are strictly prohibited.


Up until half term, we will continue to set the children an e-book that reflects the phonics that we have been learning that week. In order to access this, you
will need to use the login that you received for your child last year. These will be attached to your reading record book inside the PACT bag. Please aim to reread this book four times a week. Re-reading ensures that children develop their reading skills and fluency. We will be talking more about this in our Year 2 Welcome Meeting.
After half term, children will be set spelling homework based on the scheme ‘Spelling Shed.’ Children can practise their spellings on the homework sheet and
on the activities on the Spelling Shed website. Children do not need to return paper copies of their homework, as teachers will monitor their progress in spelling
through the online activities and weekly dictations.

PACT Bags/Show and tell

We will continue to read with all children in class each week and we will be sending details of your child’s reading day in due course. PACT bags will be sent
home on your child’s reading day, and should be returned on the same day each week. We will be sending home a reading journal with the reading book each
week. In this journal we will record the title of the book, and any key words for your child to practise. Please feel free to make a note of any relevant
information in this journal when you have heard your child read. If you have any urgent communication, please email us instead of using this booklet as we
may not see the message until your child’s reading day. Children can also bring in a reading book from home to read during quiet times. This book will be kept
in their tray.

Children can bring an item from home for their Show and Tell, which will take place weekly on a Friday in each class. Please ensure that no precious, fragile,
or high-value items are sent in.

Spelling and Handwriting
You can find a list of spellings and handwriting guidance appropriate to your child’s year-group by clicking Spelling & Handwriting.

Maths and English Curriculum Objectives
Click on THIS LINK to learn more about the Maths and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) Objectives that are taught from Year 1 to Year 6.
Here is a link to a handy TIMES TABLES GRID and advice.

Maths – Fluency & recall facts – Year2keyrecallfacts

Year 2 Curriculum Map
CLICK HERE for more information about our curriculum.

Statutory Assessments

Usually, children in Year 1 undergo the Phonics Screening Check in the Summer Term. Children are asked to read 20 real words and 20 ‘pseudo-words’. The children are well prepared through normal English lessons and they are rarely, if ever, aware that the check is taking place. Due to the pandemic, the Phonics Screening Check is in December for Year 2 this year.


We need two of each medicine e.g. inhalers, EpiPens in school; one for the classroom and one for the medical room. Please ensure that these are brought in
to school as soon as possible.

How you can help
If you have any knowledge, skill, or artefacts related to what we are learning in school, then please do get in touch with your child’s teacher. We love having our Parents and Carers come in and help us all to learn!

PPA Cover – All teachers are required by law to have Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time during the week. This is usually covered by the same person every week to ensure consistency for the children. The PPA cover for this year group will be led by:  Andrea Littlewood.

You can find this term’s letter to parents and carers and Topic Plan in the ‘Related Documents’ box to the left of the screen or by clicking below:-

Year 2 London Knowledge Organiser

Year 2 Autumn Parents Letter