
01 Dec Countdown to Christmas!

Yes, it’s that time of year again! Here are a few dates for your diaries…

Thursday 10th December – Band Assembly – Parents and Carers are invited to join us at 9.30am in the Top Hall
Friday 11th December – Winter Jumper Day – Wear your Winter Jumper to School! Buckets in the playground collecting for charity
Saturday 12th December – Winter Fair – 11am – 1pm
Tuesday 15th December – Brass Band and Ben’s Choir Assembly – Parents and Carers are invited to join us at 9.30am in the Top Hall
Wednesday 16th December – Liz’s choir singing in the playground from 3:20pm
Wednesday 16th December – Christmas Parties! – Please send your child in with one item to share at their Christmas Parties (please no fizzy drinks or products containing nuts). There’s a rumour that Santa may be making a surprise visit!
Friday 18th December – End of term!

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