Our Ethos statement:
‘Yerbury is a richly diverse learning community which values the uniqueness of every child. We know that happy, interested and secure children learn best. We offer a caring and stimulating environment which allows children to become independent and grow. Staff, children, parents and carers work together in a culture of collaboration and mutual support. We foster the long term development and personal achievements of every child within our broad curriculum and in the immeasurable learning beyond it. We provide a challenging, relevant and creative school experience which nurtures a sense of social responsibility and inspires life-long learning.’
Vision: ‘Our Hope for the Yerbury Child’
Our hope for the Yerbury child is that they have happy, wondrous and long childhoods. We want them to feel cared for, be confident and feel safe enough to be curious and creative. We want them to have found something they are passionate about and to have nurtured it. They will have had many opportunities to feel a sense of achievement, pride and excitement about themselves and their learning during their years here.
They will experience a knowledge-rich and broad curriculum where they are taught how to: learn effectively; cultivate and practise new skills; develop and link ideas and concepts; be curious and think critically. Their learning and time at Yerbury will be enhanced by cultural, sporting, creative and community experiences and opportunities which will broaden their horizons and understanding of the world.
We also hope the Yerbury child cares about others, is able to challenge intolerance, and can relate and communicate with others in order to build and maintain healthy relationships. They are resilient, know that satisfaction comes from effort, and are intrinsically motivated. They know what it is to be inclusive, feel included and to have been nurtured by a sense of belonging.
When they leave us, they might be beginning to know what their place in the world may be and have a secure set of personal moral values. They will have begun to understand spirituality in themselves and others, and they will engage in the culture they live in as well as appreciating the cultures of others. They will feel prepared for life in the modern world in a diverse and ever-changing community, as well as knowing how to ensure their own physical and mental health.
We want them to be full of hope for their future and always feel part of the Yerbury family.