The governing body’s main tasks are to ensure that pupils receive high quality education, to plan for future development and improvement, and to support the school.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What do governors do?
The purpose school governing bodies is to ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school.’ Their overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the Head Teacher to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school.
The governing body’s three main roles are:
Its responsibilities include:
How much time is involved in being a parent governor?
This will vary, but the basic commitment is likely to be about 6 hours per month, including at least:
What support is available for governors?
There is lots of support available to help you to understand and carry out your role. Our current governors will provide advice and support and be happy to answer your questions. Islington offers a welcome pack of information, an extensive program of training sessions, access to on-line training courses and resources and termly briefings, the notes of which are sent out to all governors to keep them informed of developments in education policy and current best practice. The school is able to cover child-care expenses for governors to attend regular meetings of the governing body and its sub-committees and to attend training courses. Employers should give employees who are school governors “reasonable time off” work to carry out their duties. All new governors are expected to attend the DFE Induction Programme during their first year. This is a one day training program delivered by Islington.
How can I find out more about being a parent governor?
To find out more about the role, please contact Rosemary Marsh, our Chair of Governors via
What skills and attributes do governors need?
No particular qualifications or experience are needed. The most important qualities for any governor are a commitment to the welfare and achievement of the children, a desire to make a positive contribution to the school, common sense and a willingness to commit time to the role. Many of the functions of the governing body are statutory, or have a legal framework, and they are accountable for large sums of public money. In order to carry out our core strategic roles, governors need to be able to think strategically and plan ahead, to interpret data, to scrutinise, challenge, monitor, and evaluate, and to account for decisions. With this in mind, we believe that the following skills and attributes are essential for all governors:
We are continually engaged in succession planning and we need governors who are willing and able to take on leadership roles within the governing body as they arise, e.g. as Chair, Vice-Chair or Chair of a Committee, or as link governors with particular responsibility for areas of our work, e.g. SEN, Equalities, Safeguarding, Attendance and Heath and Safety. These roles require a significant additional time commitment.
Guidance for the Conduct of Candidates for Election as Parent Governors
The school is providing this guidance to candidates with the objective of:
The school will provide opportunities for candidates to communicate with parents by:
Candidates are encouraged to talk individually to other parents about their candidacy. No other form of canvassing within the school grounds is permitted.
Neither the school nor any other body has any authority to enforce guidance in relation to the conduct of candidates outside the school. However, we would ask candidates not to engage in canvassing activities other than talking to parents, and in particular not to solicit support by text messages or through social media, to produce or distribute any kind of leaflet or poster, or to carry or display any kind of placard or banner.