We ensure that appropriate provision is made for all pupils who belong to vulnerable groups; this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed. We improve provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, recognising that not all pupils who receive free school meals are socially disadvantaged and also that not all pupils who do not receive free school meals are socially advantaged.
Schools are given money each year called “The Pupil Premium Grant”. Children entitled to free school meals (at any time during their school years) and children who are looked-after are the indicators used to identify pupil premium allocation. We are asked to account to our community about how it has been spent. This Pupil Premium funding does not cover the costs of everything we do.
The range of provision at Yerbury includes (and is not limited to):
- The employment of an Inclusion Manager
- The employment of specialist teachers
- The employment of teaching assistants
- Continuing professional development for all staff
- Buying in extra support from the educational psychology service
- Employing art therapists & staff from The National Volunteer Reading Scheme
- Subsidising School Journey, class visits, clubs and other enrichment activities
- Use of local authority services e.g. CAMHs provision, speech & language service etc.
- Buying in support from special schools in the local authority
- Subsidising the costs of additional opportunities that extend a child’s experience and aspirations.
Please see the links below for how we are spending the money and the impact:
Pupil Premium Allocation for 2023/24 is £113,490
Yerbury-Pupil-premium-strategy-statement – Dec 24