
Advice, guidance, and support for young people, parents, and carers on wellbeing and physical health.

If you are a child, young person or parent who needs advice, guidance and/or support, you can contact the Children’s Services Contact Team (CSCT) and talk to one of their experienced team members about the services available in Islington that can help you and your family. 
From Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, someone at the CSCT can give you advice over the phone if you call 020 7527 7400, or you can email or come to the council offices at 222 Upper Street. N1 1XR, if you would prefer to talk to someone in person.
If you are a family member, friend, neighbour or professional and you know a child/family who may benefit from some support, or you are worried about a child’s wellbeing or safety, call the CSCT to discuss your concerns.  For further guidance on safeguarding see the related documents below. Outside of office hours, the Emergency Duty Team can be contacted on 020 7226 0992 or the police on 999.
What will happen when I contact CSCT?
The first person you may speak to may be one of their screening workers, who will quickly take some basic details from you so they can decide which member of their team can best help you.
Then you will be able to talk to a family support advisor, a youth worker or a social worker, they will tell you what will happen next. It might be that you only need advice on services in your area, or they can make a referral to another service for you. You may prefer for a family support worker or social worker to visit you to assess what support you and your family need.
If you are a professional who is worried about a child’s wellbeing or safety, a social worker in CSCT will advise you on the next steps and the best course of action to keep the child safe.

Update about medicines in school condensed from Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’ policy 

We thought it may be useful and timely to update you about administering medicines in school. We can only administer prescribed medicine which is brought in to school in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist, with clear instructions for administration, dosage and storage. We also require a letter of permission from parents and carers in order to administer the medication. In most instances medicine will only be administered in school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or attendance not to do so, where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside of school hours.

We ask that all parents who have previously sent in inhalers and epipens take the time to pop in to school regularly to check they are still in date, as we can not administer out of date medicine.

 At Yerbury we endeavour to work in partnership with parents and carers to keep all the children healthy and safe at all times in our care. Outdoor play is an essential aspect of children’s learning and development so in the summer we ask parents to apply long lasting sunscreen daily before school . Parents are also asked to ensure children wear tops that cover their shoulders and to bring in a sun hat (labelled with their name). We do not allow sunglasses as the children are active outside and may trip. Staff will remind children about hats and tops and also encourage them to spend time in the shade during playtimes. On particularly hot and sunny days outdoor playtimes will be shortened.

Children should  increase their water intake in hot weather and are reminded  to drink water during break time and lunch times. Children in Nursery and Reception have access to water in their class rooms, older children are encouraged  to bring in a bottle of water each day.

Medical care plan forms

If your child has medicine stored at school, then you should have received a medical care plan form. Please can you ensure that they are completed and returned to the School Office ASAP.  You can download copies below: