
Help your child to stay safe online.

Yerbury Primary School believes that online safety is an integral part of safeguarding and requires a whole school, cross-curricular approach.

​The school has established a carefully sequenced curriculum for online safety that builds on what pupils have already learned and identifies subject content that is appropriate for their stage of development.

Online safety lessons are woven into the school’s computing curriculum, with a discrete e-safety lesson taught each half term, and into the PSHE curriculum. In addition, children in years 3-6 are taught digital resilience lessons, which gives them the skills to look after their mental and emotional wellbeing in a digital world. As well as these discrete lessons, staff look to identify opportunities to thread online safety through all school activities.

Any issues and concerns with online safety are dealt with by following the school’s safeguarding and child protection procedures.

The school’s online safety policy can be found in Policies

Online Safety – Resources

Our computing and digital resilience curriculum aims to educate our children on a wide range of risks and benefits online. This page contains a wide range of resources for families to manage online activity as much as possible. We encourage families to do this in a spirit of dialogue with their children. (Internet Matters)

Help setting up security on apps and devices, including social media (whatsapp, tiktok etc) (London Grid for Learning)

Limit screen time on Google, Apple and Microsoft

Information on risks

Scare or prepare? (link​) (Childnet)

Parents and carers toolkit

Educational resources

Encouraging dialogue with your children (NSPCC)

Advice on wellbeing, and signs of abuse

Telephone helpline


ThinkUKnow (CEOP / Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)

Get advice

Report content


Worried about viral scares online?​ (UK Safer Internet Centre)

Guides and resources for parents



Products and resources for parents

Parent and children reviews of movies, games and apps.

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