
Parents and carers are their children’s first educators.

Parents as Educators

At Yerbury School we deeply value how our parents and carers assist their children’s learning. To build on this partnership between home and school we have introduced Parents as Educators’ Drop-in-and-Chat coffee mornings. These mornings provide parents with ideas and help to continue to support their children during their time at Yerbury and to help them to become lifelong learners.

Drop-in-and-Chat coffee mornings comprise of a variety of informal chats, workshops or presentations lead and hosted by Yerbury teachers, support staff, outside agencies and experts. Sessions range from spelling strategies for dyslexic children to learning through Superhero play and E safety. There are networking coffee mornings each term for the parents of children who are bilingual, adopted or need SEND support. Drop-in-and-Chat coffee mornings are held on a Tuesday morning in the Parents’ Room on the ground floor, between the time of 9.15 am and 10.15am.

Look out for our programme in the school update emails, the school calendar, the playground blackboard and posters around the school.

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