
Strong links between home and school can only help to improve the educational experiences of our children.

We formally report to parents and carers on their child’s progress three times a year – though we encourage parents and carers to get in touch with their child’s teacher if they have any concerns or enquiries.

There are two parent/teacher conferences during the academic year. The conference in the first half of the autumn term is an opportunity to find out about the progress your child is making and to let us know more about your child.

The second conference is towards the end of the spring term. In this one the parents are given opportunities to look at their child’s work, to discuss progress and ‘ways forward’ for their learning.
At the end of the academic year parents receive a written report about their child’s progress in all areas, based on their teacher’s assessments. Parents and carers of children in Years 1, 2 and 6 will also receive the results of the statutory tests that have been sat.

Each Friday, class teachers write a short note in the Weekly Update to let you know the main things that have been going on in class. This is written to keep you informed of the areas of learning that are being focussed on each week in class.

At the end of each year teachers hold detailed ‘handover’ meetings with the next class teacher and pass on relevant information, including the results of assessment.

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