
Yerbury, like all other schools, now has an extended role that goes beyond teaching the children across the curriculum within school hours.

This is a very positive development that helps us support the children’s development in a more comprehensive and effective way in partnership with parents and outside agencies.

The particular range of additional activities that each school runs is partly determined by the LEA, so all schools will differ. At Yerbury we currently offer:
A Parents’ Room available for parents to use to meet informally, to have coffee, to access the internet and to run meetings. It has settees, tables, chairs, computer and a kitchen. This is a good place to go to find out about events and useful contacts.

  • A varying range of after-school clubs for Years 3 to 6 from 3.30 to 4.30 every evening.
  • A programme of Parents as Educators sessions in each year group for parents to more fully understand how we teach and support children at Yerbury.
  • Fortnightly coffee mornings for parents to meet informally with each other and school staff.
  • Our governors also hold a coffee morning each term and an evening event each year to which all parents are invited.
  • Support groups for parents with children with special educational needs and those with English as an additional language.
  • We offer a fortnightly opportunity for parents to meet our support worker from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to discuss child and parenting issues. This offer is developing, as we are keen to meet the needs of our families as well as we can. Please contact the school office or Helen Heery (our Inclusion Manager) for further information, to make suggestions, etc and we will try to help.
  • Close links with Highbury Roundhouse who run an after-school Play Centre each evening from 3.30 to 6.00pm for children aged five years and upwards.
  • Close links to a wide range of organisations that provide support and services that might be helpful to our parents.

Breakfast Club

We offer a 'pre-booked and drop-in' Breakfast Club from 8am each weekday morning.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

There are extra-curricular clubs after school for children from Reception up to Year 6. Clubs might be sporting, creative, from different cultures, or based on games or hobbies. Anything at all that we think will be fun and educational for the children!

Extended Day

Our on-site, extended-day provision starts at 8.00am with our Breakfast Club and finishes at 6.00pm with Highbury Roundhouse after school club.


We frequently work with other organisations to ensure the best outcomes possible for our children...

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