
We tailor the support available to children according to their needs and requirements.

Children all require different levels of support at different periods during their time at Yerbury. We tailor the support available according to their needs and requirements. The broad levels of intervention offered across the school’s cohort (along with an approximate number of pupils currently receiving this support) are as follows:

Provision Mapping 

The provision map is a document that is used to capture targeted and specialist interventions that will be ‘additional to’ and ‘different from’ the usual differentiated curriculum. There is a provision map for every class, which is reviewed by the class teacher and SENCO on a termly basis. Your teacher can share this with you at parents’ evening.

Pupil Passport 

This is a child specific one-page profile with information about how your child learns with advice for supporting him/her.

SEN Support Plan 

A document containing a one-page profile and a detailed action plan listing the goals and provision to meet the needs of the child.

Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) 

Education Health and Care Plans are issued by the Local Authority where necessary and are used by the school to plan SEN provision for children with severe and complex needs. The EHCP includes:

  • a detailed profile of the child, their strengths and aspirations for the future
  • any education, health and care needs they have
  • the goals or outcomes for the pupil agreed by the family and professionals for the next phase of their education
  • any education, health and social care provision in place to meet their needs
  • a detailed annual support plan/action plan setting out the goals for the pupil for the next year, and the activities that everyone supporting the child will put in place to support them.

The process for requesting an EHCP assessment in Islington can be found on the Council’s Local Offer website.

We provide additional support for pupils with SEN to be able to access exams, when needed. We are also able to support the administration of medication if it is recommended by health professionals.

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