01 Dec What have we been learning? 27/11/2015
What have we been Learning?
Nursery: We have been busy making props for our Post Office role-play area and talking lots about posting parcels and letters. The children have also been recognising numbers outside and writing their names. We have also been trying to identify bugs in the sand tray.
Reception: This week we have been learning to write simple addition sums and using our fingers to help us! We also made shadow puppets and learned about light and dark using our amazing den and torches! We are continuing with our phonics, learning the new sounds v, w and ng.
Year 1: In English we have been using adjectives to describe different toys and learning about how and when to put ‘es’ on the end of a noun to make it plural. In Art we made our own moving teddy bears using card and split pins. In Maths we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20. The class used number lines to help with subtraction questions and Numicon when working out missing number problems to 20. We would also like to thank all the Year 1 parents who came to the Maths workshop, we hope you found it useful and answered any questions you might have had about maths this year! A quick request – please could you send in any old Xmas or Birthday cards; we would like to recycle them by turning them into seasonal decorations!
Year 2: This week, we have been learning about non-fiction books and we’ve been starting to identify the features of these types of text. Next week, we will be starting to write our own non-fiction text. Please continue to look at these types of books at home and identify the main features: heading, contents page, glossary, index page and fact based sentences.
In maths, we have been looking at dividing by grouping. We have used objects and mental strategies to support our learning. For example, when dividing by 6, We would encourage the children to count out 12 objects and groups them into 6s and count how many groups there are. We have been looking at Great Britain and identifying the countries on the map. We also talked about places we had visited or that were special to us.
Year 3: This week in Year 3 we have finally finished and edited our Beatrix Potter inspired tales and made them into miniature books, complete with illustrations. All the hard work has really paid off as they really are fantastic. We can’t wait to go and read them to our Nursery Buddies next week. In maths we have been looking at rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand and exploring how we can use estimation to help us with mental addition. On Thursday we had our visit to The British Museum to learn about Celtic life. The exhibition was brilliant and we learnt lots of things about Celtic life and art in ancient Britain.
Year 4: This week, we have been learning about news reports and preparing our own based on fairy tales. We have been using place value sliders to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. We have also learnt about the dangers of hurricanes and tornadoes.
Year 5: This week in year 5 we have been reviewing our learning in Maths by exploring the different methods we use for addition and subtraction. We have also revisited our knowledge of perimeter and area. During our visit to the V&A we explored a selection of Anglo-Saxon objects and tried to observe their Pagan and Christian influences. gold health A fun (but very exhausting!) day was had by all exploring the museum!
Year 6: We spent much of this week either preparing for our Biography Day or doing tests as part of our Assessment week! The children have worked extremely hard, showing perseverance, focus, and good humour. A big thank you to the families for all of the help and support that went into writing the biographies; it made the afternoon very special.
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