We believe that close contact between home and school is very important in helping children to achieve to the best of their ability.
We encourage all parents and carers to be involved in their child’s education in a number of ways –
You can usually talk to the head teacher at short notice by contacting the school office to see if she is available. Otherwise telephone or call in to make an appointment. You will also be able to catch the head or deputy in the playground at the beginning and end of each day.
In addition to parent times, parents are invited to Open Evenings to meet up with their child’s new teacher and Parent/Teacher Conferences in the Autumn and Spring terms so that they can be as involved as much as possible with their child’s progress and development. Each class will hold a parents’ meeting at the beginning of each school year to explain the aims for the year and to answer any questions.
Many parents and carers come into the school to help, and this is very welcome. It may be to help with reading, drama, cooking, computing, on a visit, etc or to share a particular interest or skill they may have. We also welcome parents at any of the daily assemblies. Please contact the school office or your child’s teacher to volunteer and make arrangements.
On joining Yerbury you will be given a copy of our Home-School Agreement. This lists the key things that both home and school can expect from each other. All parents are expected to sign this Agreement.
All parents automatically become members of the Home-School Association – details below.
The parents’ role as educators is highly valued and parents are given the opportunity to attend sessions in school to learn about aspects of the curriculum and to help their children in the classroom and then at home.
We respectfully encourage parents wherever possible to walk to school with their children and not bring them by car or bike.