
We work hard to help our children to achieve fluency in solving calculations and to give them opportunities to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts so that they can apply them in practical situations. We take a ‘Maths Mastery’ approach.

We use a Teaching for Mastery approach which rejects the idea that many children ‘just can’t do maths’. All children are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths during lessons, they can succeed. Children are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on enduring that new learning builds upon what has previously been learned. Mathematical concepts and structures are taught and presented in different ways and contexts to ensure depth of understanding.

Our teaching of mathematics includes:

  • Problem solving and reasoning as a regular part of lessons for all
  • An emphasis on quality mathematical talk and the correct use of mathematical language.
  • Carefully sequenced lessons using a logical small-steps approach to teaching new concepts.
  • The use of high-quality concrete resources and representations to encourage depth of understanding.
  • Regular retrieval of learning to help develop fluency with basic number facts and ensure retention of knowledge.
  • A range of games and activities to help build children’s enjoyment and confidence with mathematics.
  • Swift interventions which are provided for children who are identified as needing extra support.

The subject leader and other school staff use the Curriculum overview linked below to ensure that there is curriculum coverage across the school.
Staff use a combination of NCETM PD materials and White Rose resources when planning half-termly and weekly. Teachers also refer to the instant recall facts document to help ensure children learn expected facts for their year group.

Maths Curriculum Overview

Our Remote Education Policy can be viewed by clicking the link.

Yerbury Approach for Parents and Carers

Calculation and representation guidance

Calculation and Representation Guidance A-S

Calculation and Representation Guidance FRACTIONS WHOLE

Calculation and Representation Guidance NPV

Calculation Policy

Progression – Equivalence with Powers of 10

Progression – Linear Number System

Progression – Place Value



Fluency and recall facts

Maths Four Operations Vocabulary Guide

Maths Retrieval overview

Year 1 key recall facts

Year 2 key recall facts

Year 3 key recall facts

Year 4 key recall facts

Year 5 key recall facts

Year 6 key recall facts

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